Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

Early church service, celebrating the risen Lord, then a gathering of family. What could be better? Perhaps the rest of the family all together! But we rejoiced in the Easter Blessing.   
 The Easter Bunny came by our house and dropped off some toys and eggs for the Tootle boys.
Ryan found the eggs right away. (Two previous hunts) so he was pretty quick at finding all of the eggs.

 Sammy on the other hand was just delighted to run and play and pick up the eggs and throw them.
 No one heard me say, "Say Cheese".
 Sammy was so excited to show Nama Dotty one of the pink eggs filled with candy. I love his little arms outstretched with excitement.
 Family attempt. So funny. Parents were happy to pose but Ryan was being bit by a mosquito and scratching it and Sammy wanted to run.
 Poppy's tomatoes.
 Auntie Jenny is always a hit with the boys. Ryan's is trying to pose with his Auntie while looking at his "pick it up alligator".
 Jessica was shooting one of the rubber band kites. This girl has award winning expressions.
 Rod is trying to teach Sammy how to prefect the flying technique.
Note to self: get a picture of the flying kite.
 Auntie Jenny looks like she has it down pat.  Looks are deceiving! Ask Jenny where the kite landed. :) Hint: same place my first one landed.
 How to get a kid to take a picture: Give him two eggs to hold, one in each hand and put the sun glasses on him and say, "say cheese". Works every time.
 Ryan never needs any tricks when it comes to showing off sun glasses.
 Sammy took one of Ryan's eggs and Ryan sort of had a melt down. (church-hungry-tired). The look on Sammy's face cracks me up while poor tired, hungry Ryan broke my heart. Sometimes it's hard being a Nama.
 Sammy is fascinated with chairs. He climbs up on them and just sits there with those big brown eyes looking at anyone who will look at him with his ability to climb up and sit all by himself. What is going on in that precious little boys mind?
 One of the toys left for Ryan was a paddle with rubber band and ball at the end. Once again we see another expression of Jessica trying to master the bouncing ball.
 Jenny sits crossed legged and proceeds to get one bounce in.
 The turtle sun glasses were a huge hit and were passed around. And Jessica had another expression to flash at the camera.
 Micheal and Ryan were working very hard at getting the Toy Story stickers out of the egg, while Sammy was trying to convince Nama Dotty to empty one of the candy eggs out into his little hand.
 Poppy was great at getting the candy out and Sammy was great at stuffing it all in his mouth at once.

 Above, is Chesley giving the sling shot kite a try. He did it the first time. It went flying across the yard. Good job CE.
Below is Sammy with a mouth full of candy.
Easter Dinner! 
The Lord has risen! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that looks like so much fun! What a great family Easter. And that meal looks perfecto.

PS - my potatoes on the Easter lamb were super easy, I'll send you the recipe!