Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Royal Wedding

I was all about the Royal Wedding of William and Kate and loved every minute of it. I asked my mom to spend the night and get up with me at 3am. She did and we did in fact get up and watch it all. We were very happy that we did it and didn't wait and DVR it.
We had planned on having tea and English Muffins during the ceremony but our eyes were glued to the TV and 3am just seemed to early to eat. We eventually (during commercials) got tea and Cinnamon Rolls and Quiche.   
When the wedding was over 6am we went back to bed. After waking up 9:30am we did what we planned before we realized we would be too tired. We had tea / cream / and cookies aka scones. :) 
We are having our carpet ripped up and wood floors put down so my house is in the beginning stages of boxed up "stuff" that needed to be off the floor, out of the china cabinet, off the desk etc. Reason for our little corner on the kitchen table with the lovely back ground. O well, I did get the English china out and held my cup with my pinky finger sticking out to balance the cup. Also notice the ring on my finger. Yea, like I said I'm all about the Royals. It's the princess coming out of me. Chesley had a hard time understanding this whole infatuation I had. 
Prince William was born on the same day as I was. Just saying.


Arnold Party of 5 said...

Get out with the same bdays P!!! Y'all are so precious!!

Tootle Family said...

Just lovely you two ladies are. Love this cure post. Can't believe I slept through the wedding. I wanted to get over to your house!

Anonymous said...

YAY! I'm super impressed you got up at 3 to watch the wedding. I hope you'll be wearing your ring all summer.