Thursday, March 18, 2010

Grandma Dotty meet Samuel

Samuel meet Grandma Dotty..
We made it to SA around 4:45 but didn't go to the apartment until after 8pm. What a surprise and what a wonderful job everyone did to make it look so darling. We are headed there tomorrow to start on the office and get it ready for mom to move in.


Martha said...

Such a sweet picture of Grandma Dotty and Samuel!!

Tootle Family said...

Fun seeing you guys last night. I think SAmuel fell in love with Nama Dotty. Their eyes locked!

mimi tootle said...

I'm so glad you r home and had a safe trip. I never see u, but I really missed you. I KNOW you mom will love living on San Antonio. She will probably start missing her o peace and quiet.

Anonymous said...

What a great picture. Sam looks enamored with her (and I don't blame him)! Welcome to Texas Grandma .T!