Friday, March 14, 2008


Martha said...

The famous Pam cookies!! You win!
Melissa wants your recipe. You saw the result when she used Kim's!!

stacy arnold said...

YUM!!! Those look PERFECT P!! Again, you do make them often so of course they would be perfected by now!!!! Still have the ones you and i made while you were here in the freezer!

Anonymous said...

*wiping the drool from my face*

I want those right now! We'll definitely do a bake off when I'm down in May...but I'm a littler nervous, I think my recipe just hates TX :D

Martha said...

Well then, maybe we need to have our cookoff in Seattle!

Tootle Family said...

Agree. I say the moms and I head to Seattle for a long weekend. We can bake all the cookies we want. Kim, get plenty of milk. We're coming!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm ready. I just cleaned house, you better hurry before I destroy it!!! Love and miss you guys.