Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day Two of the move....

After shoveling  Don and Bev out of their driveway...
we headed to Bellevue.
Don went to work knocking off the ice cycles :) from the house.
Mom and I emptied out all the kitchen cabinets and began to separate it all into give away, pack, garage sale, etc.
Mom and I loved reading some old letters and emails that she had saved. What a blessing it is for me to be able to spend this time with my mom and laugh and reminisce as we walk in our old foot steps of memories of years gone by.
This is for the TV make over house. She is wondering why she kept all this stuff. But a story usually goes with each thing we pick up. What fun we are having.
Tomorrow we will be going to Goodwill with a car load of stuff.


Tootle Family said...

oooof! this is tough, but y'all do look like you're having so much fun!!!!

I'm Jana :-) said...

I can't believe I actually can see you shoveling snow....for real!!!
What a wonderful time you must be having. Can't wait to follow the daily trip. Love to all!

boo and stacy said...

I'm with Jess, tough to see these pics. SO darling of you shoveling!!