Thursday, July 16, 2009


Example of the Rev' wisdom:

Be nice 2 mean ppl 2day.. they're the ppl who reeeeeeeallly needs it da most... :-)

Laughter is an instant vacation.


Martha said...

Love that! I should frame it, because it makes me laugh and want to be nice to mean people. Joe says it confuses them, so it's so worth it!

Tootle Family said...

Oh, I love rev run!!!! he's the best!!! mom, do you watch the show?

Pam said...

Yes, sometimes. the new ones started. :)

Susan Gee said...

I love that picture. What/where is it? I want it!
I also love the quotes.

Jen Taylor said...

You're the cutest Pam!

boo and stacy said...


Too funny Martha! Its true they get throw off guard when you are nice!

Anonymous said...

That's funny. I saw a t-shirt the other day that said "I (heart) mean people"
