Friday, October 17, 2008

Beach Trip

Book Club beach trip. First early evening walk with our glasses of wine and cameras.
Robbie celebrating winning "99". Card game. She was very happy. There was celebrating, appetizers, conversations, and toasting to good friends.
Beach pictures. Early morning walkers, jelly fish or man of war, sandpiper, our feet and we all printed out Happy b-day Susan. We decorated the sign with shells and a happy face like she always signs her emails with. Happy Birthday Susan!
These are random pictures of all of us playing "Catch Phrase". Why does Robbie looked so confused? and why is Cindy laughing so hard. Why is Janet holding up the "loser" sign and what word is she trying to describe with her hands on her head?
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1 comment:

boo and stacy said...

WHAT FUN Mom!!! I loved all the pics and I bet y'all laughed so hard you cried:) What a great girls trip:)