Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A few days before Christmas

Our QVC model. If you have girls, then you know they always want to preform and this one is a performer.
Nama's shutter speed is a little to slow to catch the action on this one. Sue on the slide and Malyn and Stacy on the side.

Auntie Stacy and baby Ryan. Is that a twinkle in your eye Stacy?
Modern version of Candy Land - Dora Candy Land. Thanks Cindy. Sue is not ready to play and take turns but she sure loved playing with the pieces and moving along the path. Any Dora watchers you will understand that.
Breakfast: Sue is reading a princess magazine and Poppy is reading the paper.
I can't read yet. I eat, sleep, run, and talk (sort of). Mum, Dada, Nam (for Nama). aunt jess, bannas (no I didn't miss spell it), boobarrys, nigh nigh, three, thankyou, gentle, and lots more.
Malyn meet Ryan (second time). Malyn looks just like Stacy did as a baby. I have the pictures to prove it. Exactly. So fun.
I like my cousin Ryan.

1 comment:

Team Rillos said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas. What a great thing to have all your family together. You are all gorgeous : )