Malyn is about the happiest baby I've seen. She is in town visiting her Nama and Poppy and Mitzi and Maddie. And of course her Aunties. She smiles soooo big that her eyes almost disappear. She is the fastest crawler and can out run the dogs. Mitzi runs and just stays hidden and Maddie just stays and takes in the excitment of hearing "doggie" (sort of) and the pulling of her tail. Maddie loves babies and always takes what ever they dish out. Maddie lays down with babies when they sleep. Maybe she is part sheep dog.
YEA MOOKS!! I bet she is just loving all the attention:)) she looks so happy! Thanks for taking care of her. I know she LOVES every moment:)
Happy baby!!!! So glad she came down! we love you Mooksies.
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