Saturday, November 7, 2009

Soul to Sole 2009

Helping the children in Ugunda. What sweet faces and loving hearts these children have.

Jenny- wonderful job along with all your helpers. You all make a wonderful team and have put on a fun filled day so we can help the children in Uganda. All this makes me want to go visit them. This picture is Jenny telling our children to get ready for their 1K race.

We all did our part. Walked, ran, helped, or supported!
Congrats Martha and Chesley for winning in your category.

Jessica (aka Juno) due Nov. 17, Chesley, and Pam.

Ryan pointing to ??? not sure what it was. Ryan even raced.


Tootle Family said...

Fun day!!! that little maniac slept like a champ! We made him stay awake on the car ride home, filled his belly with chick fil a and then both he adn i passed out after a shower.

Martha said...

It was such a fun day. The weather was perfect, the scenery was gorgeous, and the people were the best! And the cause was a worthy one. I plan to do it again next year!

Jen Taylor said...

Such an awesome day! And PAM-you were such a huge help to Jenny!! You are a rock star Mom!!