Thursday, October 6, 2011

Soccer "The Ryan Way"

Stop the game! The grandparents are here!!! Big hugs then back to the game.

OK Game on and lets go team...

A goal for the grandparents...

A somersault for my mom... (He already knew the game plan).

OK I'll give the team a little help here

Hey family, we got a win coming. Go get in line at the snow cone machine, please.

Yo Ry, I'll be there next year. I'm learning how to play from the sidelines. Good job Bro..
I wish I was 4 and could play soccer.

End of the game line up.

Big hug for Mimi. Welcome back Mimi. I made a goal for you!

And now for the reason for the soccer show.

Mouth is open and ready to munch down on the cool ice.

My team. The snow cones kids.

1 comment:

Tootle Family said...

you got some CUTE shots of him. love being out there to cheer him on.