Friday, April 4, 2008

Yellow pollen everywhere

Everything was clean the day before. just a hint of what is stirring in the air.
Now that the weather is perfect for sitting on the porch, the pollen has moved in the patio for it's resting place.
This short little tree (Texas Oak Tree) is what is doing all the yellow dusty coating over everything. Hopefully it will be gone soon.


stacy arnold said...

OHHHHHH NO!!! go away yellow pollen...I forgot about you!

did the spring also bring bluebonnets?

Pam said...

Not so much this year because we didn't get enough rain.

Martha said...

Hopefully, all the wind we had today will help move the pollen out a little sooner! Itchy eyes and makeup don't go together too well!

Tootle Family said...

Mom, that is disgusting. Martha, i'm with you. I woke up with no voice and a sore throat yesterday morning.

Pam said...

I know and frustrating too. Wonder if I just shake the trees if it will stop in our yard anyway. nah don't think so.